Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Anybody out there?

Good afternoon! I have a feeling I just might be talking to myself...but they say most people do, right? Anyway---I'm new to computers, new to blogging, new to Etsy...I'm a professional artist struggling to make ends meet in a rural area...if you like the unique, odd, beautiful, or funny in art, jewelry, and sculpture---you just might be interested in my work...

Monday, September 8, 2008

art for everyone

Hello, out there! I've only recently joined the computer age, so please bear with me! Living in a rural, economically depressed area has inspired me to start blogging..the world needs as much beauty and as many smiles as it can get...it has occurred to me recently that we could use a new revolution in art in this country--let's take art out of the hands of the rich and elite, and instead make it affordable for all! (AND understandable, hopefully). As a working artist and art instructor, I'll be offering thoughts, ideas, tips, and how-to's on a variety of subjects...stay tuned!

About Me

My photo
If you 're passionate about life, love, and art...if you enjoy things unique, beautiful, or funny..we've got something in common!